InLight Connection
It’s Time to Prepare … for God’s Verdict & Assignment for You!
New Revelation. Spiritual Gateway …
opening now for release into your destiny,
faster than you ever dreamed possible!
Now Is a Strategic Time …
This is a strategic time to prepare
for what is coming for the new year.
God releases verdicts and assignments
for the coming new year during this time.
Are you ready for yours?
You need clues to your destiny and a way to make it reality.
A New Season …
The season is shifting,
you know release is near, but …
you don’t know how to prepare.
Have You Hit a Plateau?
Even pursuing the deeper things of God
and helping others grow too …
you can’t get to the next level!
Relentless Attacks!
The enemy has flooded the world,
many cry out to God …
for much needed change
or recovery of lost blessings.
The constant attacks have made people weary …
to the point they can’t hear God clearly.
Some people are sensing something more
is about to be released and the shift in seasons,
but can’t discern what it is or how to get started.
Maybe you need emotional or physical healing
and have tried everything without getting results.
Don’t let your circumstances confuse you or cause you to doubt!
Even if you’ve seen great results in the past
using decrees and prayer strategies …
but nothing seems to work now
Or …
You’ve tried everything you know to do—and nothing changes.
There is a reason for that!
Understanding how to operate in the Courts of Heaven
and knowing who to take to court
positions us to receive God’s promises!
Order and Flow Matters.
It’s not just about protocol …
but also flowing in the Spirit!
If you are pursuing destiny and calling
And …
You are ready for the next level
and hungry for training on how to advance …
Come into your spiritual inheritance:
Apply the right decree to the matter in question.
You’ll affect change in your circumstances and case!
If you need clues for your destiny to make it reality,
need help going deeper and moving to the next level
Or …
Need more Courts of Heaven understanding on how it works …
Now is the time to advance to the next level
and take back what’s rightfully yours!
This is not a summons for jury duty,
but a divine invitation to activate and accelerate your destiny.You’re being called to the Courts of Heaven
to petition for your destiny, inheritance and more!
Gateway to Your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven
is a strategic online training workshop I am hosting with a special guest who has incredibly deep revelation from God on how to operate in Heaven’s Courts.
Attorney, Author and Speaker Elizabeth Nixon
This workshop gives you what you need to prepare for your next season …
Take This Training and You Will …
- Know how to file the right petition for your circumstances that manifest God’s promises for your life and get peace of mind knowing that you are taking action and not just sitting back waiting for something to happen.
- You will get a clearer picture of your destiny and tools to make it a reality. The “Attack Map” tool helps you glean insights that reveal your calling.
- Access your destiny sooner and help others find theirs, because your soul wounds are revealed and healed—and no longer hold you back.
- Gain greater confidence in your ability to interact with the Lord because you will learn how to open your ability to hear God more clearly.
- Recognize and activate your high calling by gaining understanding.
- Operate with wisdom in the Courts of Heaven with revelation gained through training … which gives you the tools to help others grow.
- Successfully navigate the times and seasons—by learning to discern—which places you in the right court at the right time.
- Open the Heavens with your decrees by learning how to craft and effectively use them.
Still New to You?
No worries! Even if you don’t understand,
and the Courts of Heaven revelation is still new …
you don’t need understanding of the Courts of Heaven to attend.
This training is for everyone who wants to
activate and accelerate destiny, God’s promises and inheritance.
You have been chosen to contend for the God of the Bible,
to manifest the supernatural in the Earth—and in your life!
It’s time to prepare yourself for this strategic time!
This is a strategic time to prepare for what is about to be released to us all.
Understanding how to use the Courts of Heaven is vital.
It is a gateway to your destiny!
August is a strategic time to prepare yourself for what is coming
for the new year that gets released during the Jewish holidays
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (September 9-September 19).
The enemy can rob you of blessings, and soul wounds block your prayers and blessings … are you tired of living in lack and seeing promises fade away?
If you want to advance and take back what is rightfully yours—Read This!
For Years … Almost Daily
I’ve operated in the Courts of Heaven during my heavenly encounters.
God taught me how to navigate with wisdom using heavenly protocol
and flowing in the Spirit. I successfully petitioned for healing, finances, relationships, world crisis and more.
Gateway to Your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven is a deep revelation and understanding given to me and Elizabeth … from Heaven!
Whether you’re just starting out—or at an advanced level—this practical training opens your understanding and makes it doable … for everyone.
Prepare for God’s Verdict and Assignment for You
with Gateway to Your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven
Receive fresh revelation, tools and new strategies for only $37!
With the Gateway to Your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven online training workshop, you’ll receive everything you need to get ready for September’s release.
In this training we will cover:
- Courts of Heaven overview
- Operational, deep revelation and training
- Hearing the Lord more clearly
- Courts of Heaven times and seasons
- “Attack Map” destiny identification
- Courts of Heaven vs. modern humanistic teaching
- Why prayers aren’t answered and how to change it
- Emotional and physical healing
- Soul wounds that stop destiny
- Understanding and getting to your high calling
- New Bible verse decrees that open the Heavens for answers
- Specific Court of Heaven petitions you can file
By viewing the online workshop you’ll also receive:
- Live Q&A with Doug Addison and Attorney Elizabeth Nixon
- Activation prayers
- Printable petitions of actual Court of Heaven filings for your personal use
… and much more!
FAQ—What’s the Difference?
If you attended Courts of Heaven Parts 1 and 2—that is great! The previous training is helpful; however, it’s not required to attend Gateway to Your Destiny workshop.
Courts of Heaven Parts 1 and 2 workshops focused on how to use the Courts of Heaven for prayer, spiritual warfare and how to develop and file a case. Gateway to Your Destiny workshop is about how to gain clues about your destiny and use the Courts of Heaven to make your destiny a reality. This workshop is a stand-alone, complementary training to Courts of Heaven Parts 1 and 2. It gives a brief overview of the Courts of Heaven, but its primary focus is on the deeper revelation and instruction on filing petitions.
You still have time to get ready …
Gateway to Your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven
Gateway to Your Destiny:
Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven
REPLAY of the Workshop
Your Investment:
Most ministry schools charge hundreds of dollars to attend their trainings. But in order to make this workshop accessible to more people, we offer this training online at a low cost so more people can get a breakthrough this year!
For only $37! you get all of this:
2 hours3 hours of training, activation and Q&A with
Doug Addison & special guest attorney Elizabeth Nixon- Lifetime access to the video and audio replay
- Downloadable notes, including a prayer of petition!
Available for a limited time only.

Elizabeth Nixon
Elizabeth Nixon is an attorney that has practiced law and has been given incredibly deep revelation from the Lord about how to operate in the Courts of Heaven. She teaches key spiritual principles that transform lives and launch people into their destiny. She wants to encourage people who are pursuing the Lord, and who are pursuing their destiny, and give them the ability to step into the supernatural!

Doug Addison
Doug Addison has been operating in the Courts of Heaven for a number of years. After being a prophetic intercessor for over 25 years, Doug has successfully petitioned for healing of long-term illness and restoration of finances, relationships, world crisis and more. Through daily interaction, Doug received revelation on how to navigate with wisdom using heavenly protocol and flowing in the Spirit. His practical training opens your understanding and makes it doable for everyone, whether just starting out or advanced level.
Founder and president of InLight Connection, Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world!