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God is speaking all the time!
Skyrocket your spiritual life in just a short amount of time!
Doug Addison’s 25 years of experience in hearing God, understanding dreams and experiencing the supernatural is completely packaged in this Hearing the Voice of God 365 audio course.
Learn at your own pace through these power-packed audios full of how-to teaching and coaching with Doug.
In this 12-part audio course, you will:
- Learn to discern God’s voice and what God is speaking to you
- Develop “eyes to see and ears to hear”
- Grow in your ability to hear God through creativity, media and more
- Recognize the ways God speaks through your specific spiritual gifts
- Learn how God can speak through your dreams
- Encounter the supernatural in fresh ways
- Develop a “naturally supernatural” lifestyle
- Step into your true identity—who you really are
- Discover your destiny
- Be activated in your prophetic gifts, healing, finances, creativity and more!
Who is this for?
- Do you want to grow in the deeper things of God?
- Are you curious or confused about the supernatural?
- Are you hungry to hear from God and how he speaks to you personally?
- Do you want to know God’s voice with clarity and confidence?
- Do you want to be equipped for this next move of God?
- Do you follow Doug’s Daily Prophetic Word and wish you could learn more from Doug?
- Are you eager to grow in your prophetic gifts?
- Do you need to learn on-the-go?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, then Hearing the Voice of God 365 audio course is a perfect fit for you and your lifestyle!
So, what all is included?
Each Hearing the Voice of God 365 audio specifically focuses on one of the 12 areas in life that catapult you into your destiny.
The course includes a total of 36 audios (3 parts per module) each about 30 minutes in length.
Module 1: Discover (3 audios)
Discovering how God speaks and developing a lifestyle of hearing God.
Module 2: Recognize (3 audios)
Recognizing the many ways God speaks and how each gift can hear differently. Plus, intro to journaling.
Module 3: Perceive (3 audios)
Learning to discern the voice of God apart from other sources. How to test a word, flipping a negative word and more.
Module 4: Prophesy (3 audios)
Developing your prophetic gift, how to give and release a prophetic word.
Module 5: Dream (3 audios)
Understanding what God is saying to you through your dreams.
Module 6: Respond (3 audios)
Activating what you’ve learned and what you’re hearing from God. How to deal with and overcome obstacles.
Module 7: Lifestyle (3 audios)
Becoming "naturally supernatural" and how to change the spiritual atmosphere around you.
Module 8: Create (3 audios)
Expressing your creativity and tuning into the creative heart of God. Recognizing the prophetic meaning in media, movies and more.
Module 9: Empower (3 audios)
Reaching out to encourage others, communicating in non-religious ways, prophetic outreach.
Module 10: Destiny (3 audios)
Hearing God for your unique destiny and life purpose.
Module 11: Activate (3 audios)
Activating your authority, finances, business/ministry and healing strategies.
Module 12: Supernatural (3 audios)
Encountering the supernatural, understanding the counterfeit vs. the real.
This Hearing the Voice of God 365 audio course contains the 12-module (36 part) audio mp3's ONLY and DOES NOT INCLUDE any of the other resources available in the full Hearing the Voice of God 365 online activation school. If you are interested in the full online school, please click here for more information.
The mp3 audio files will be made available to you. You will be able to listen to them on-demand, anytime and as many times as you like. Or you can download them to your personal device and listen on the go!
Learn to Discern.
Grow in Your Gifts.
Discover Your Destiny.
Get it today for your one-time investment of:
ONLY $147 $97

About Doug Addison
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.