Align with Heaven for Total Restoration!
Have you felt cut off or isolated from the Lord or others?
Do you feel like you are in the dark night of the soul that will never end?
Watch my video message to find out how you can prepare to encounter the Lord in new, exciting ways and experience total restoration.Join me in this online workshop to ...
Prepare for Your Visitation
& Release the Spirit of Elijah!
Only $37
New, Exciting Encounters with God!
We have entered into a new season after Pentecost. Things are now shifting for us to possess our inheritances and take back the land that the enemy stole in 2020.
We are being prepared for the change in the spiritual atmosphere and the heavens are now open and ripe to encounter the Lord.
It’s time to receive a fresh drink of the Holy Spirit!
The Lord is now releasing spiritual refreshment that will bring you into a deeper level of intimacy with Him. The word of the Lord for you is to keep taking steps forward and don’t look back, don’t slow down or stop. You are moving out of the wilderness, and it is important to take steps each day and trust that the Lord has you covered.
God Is Bringing People Out of 3 Valleys
This season, God is bringing us out of:
☆ The Valley of Tears
☆ The Valley of the Shadow of Death
☆ The Valley of Dry Bones
Come Out of the Valley of Tears
Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring.
Psalm 84:6 TPT
Have you been weeping before the Lord, and it seems that your prayers are hitting a "bronze" heaven or are going unanswered? This may be because you are stuck in the Valley of Tears.
The Lord is bringing you out of this season and you are about to receive “a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring.”
Come Out of the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4 NKJV
Many people have been walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. In this season of loneliness, you may be attacked by fear and depression.
The Lord is bringing people out of this and bringing new authority to overcome.
Come Out of the Valley of Dry Bones
The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live."
Ezekiel 37:1 NKJV
Many people have been in the Ezekiel 37 Valley of Dry Bones! A symptom of this condition is feeling scattered and lifeless.
The Lord is going to breathe life into you and bring things together. There are millions of people in this place and the Lord is calling you out!
This is the season for the Lord to REVEAL the source of what got you into this place and the SOLUTIONS and help to GET YOU OUT!
God Is Healing the Orphan Spirit
We have been living in a time when many people feel disconnected from the Lord. We need to get healing of our own issues with the Father and for when we have rejected people instead of loving them.
Many people have wounded hearts and carry the orphan spirit so they are not able to fully love themselves, others and God.
People have been walking through the wilderness for so long, many have unknowingly disconnected from their purpose in the Lord to love.
But there’s good news …
To offset the attacks of Satan, the Lord is releasing visitations and encounters in dreams, visions and a deeper connection with the Father’s Heart!
Get Ready to Receive the Spirit of Elijah
As God restores our hearts to His Father’s Heart, He is also releasing the Spirit of Elijah that will turn the hearts of the parents to the children. There is going to be a great deal of inner healing in the process.
And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Luke 1:17 NIV
It’s time to get positioned for all God is releasing for us right now!
This new workshop …
Preparing for Your Visitation:
& Releasing the Spirit of Elijah
will help you align with Heaven for this season of restoration!
ONLY $37
Who Is This Training For?
This online training is for you if:
- ✓ You feel cut off from the Lord and others.
- ✓ You’re facing brokenness in your relationships and need restoration.
- ✓ You can not seem to get your breakthrough no matter how hard you try.
- ✓ You’re ready to leave a season of grieving for a season of joy.
- ✓ You need freedom from the orphan spirit.
- ✓ You’ve lost vision for your God-given purpose.
- ✓ You hunger for a fresh, powerful encounter with the Lord.
- ✓ You need a new infusion of love for God, yourself and others.
- ✓ You have been stuck in the Valley of Tears.
- ✓ You’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety.
- ✓ You need revival and awakening in your life.
- ✓ You feel like you cannot go on in your current situation.
- ✓ You are working hard and don’t have time to do what it takes to pray and hear the Lord.
- ✓ You are in ministry and have been pouring into others and don’t have much left to give.
- ✓ You desire new training strategies to help others out of the wilderness.
This Workshop Can Help You:
- Gain more peace and confidence as you receive greater insight into your situation
- Experience restoration in your relationship with God and others
- Go to a new level of spiritual authority to overcome
- Get refreshment in your soul and a drink of encouragement
- Receive new hope as you discover the tools you need to change
- Break the spirit of depression and grief

- Get a fresh infusion of love for the Lord, yourself and others
- Discover the steps you need for your personal breakthrough
- Rediscover your unique life’s purpose
- Step into a season of joy after a season of weeping
- Break out of your wilderness into your Promised Land
- Reawaken your spiritual life with God
- Receive deep heart healing and freedom from the orphan spirit
- Gain tools and supernatural strategies to help others receive breakthrough
Here's What We Will Cover:
- A biblical understanding of various ways the Lord visits us
- Getting a fresh understanding of the Spirit of Elijah
- Bringing healing to broken relationships with children and grandchildren
- Learning why we have lost our voice and authority, and how to restore them
- Receiving an impartation of God’s transformative power
- Growing in deeper intimacy with God
- Positioning ourselves for encounters with the Lord
- Healing of the Orphan Spirit
- Healing of the Father’s Heart
- Getting out of the 3 Valleys
- Breaking the Shadow of Death
- Identifying and removing obstacles that hold us back from hearing and encountering the Lord
- How to open the heavens over you
- Aligning with this new season through practical action
- Doug’s updated training on How to Have an Encounter with the Lord
- Bible verses to decree and updated prayer strategies
- Activation Prayer
Are You Ready?
Sign up for this training today—prepare for your holy visitation!
When you encounter God’s transformative power, obstacles will crumble, chains will fall away and Heaven’s solutions will bring the freedom you have been longing for!
Imagine your new and exciting life when it is fully aligned with God and His purpose for you …
Filled with the power of faith, clarity of destiny, love for God, yourself and others …
See yourself fully healed with healthy relationships, walking in deeper revelation and intimacy with God and completely restored in faith and wholeness!
Do you want this new, exciting life?
Do you want your visitation?
Preparing for Your Visitation:
Releasing the Spirit of Elijah
... will equip you with the tools you need to get there!
General Workshop
- 2-hour online mentoring session with Doug Addison
- Q&A with Doug
- Lifetime access to the video and audio replays
- Downloadable copy of Doug’s teaching notes
- PDF handout: Bible verses to decree
Only $37
(Just the Workshop!)
Workshop + Trainer Kit
- Everything in the General Workshop package
- Rights to teach this material in your own church group, small group, seminar, online training, etc.
(*in accordance with our content trainer guidelines) - PowerPoint slides – Full, editable version
- Keynote slides – Full, editable version
Only $97
(Workshop + Trainer Kit)
Align with Heaven for This Season of Restoration!
Join me for:Preparing for Your Visitation:
Releasing the Spirit of Elijah
Pick Your Option and Click That Button Below!
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About Doug Addison
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.