Ready to Make the Move Online?
Do you need to get your message, product or service out to the world but you don’t know where to start?
You can make more income to do what God has called you to do—starting now!
Watch my video below to find out how you can start developing your own products and online courses to get your message out and earn an income online:
We are in a time of major changes with the COVID-19 pandemic.
The world is shifting to doing more things online and many people don’t know how.
Sound familiar?
Maybe you lost money or even your job and need help knowing what to do next …
This is the time to be online!
We are in a divine time in which we can use the internet to get our messages, training, products and services out to the entire world without leaving our home.
We need to bring God’s love everywhere in the world—that includes the internet!
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15 NIV
With all the changes happening in the world, I have been saying, it is time to ...
"Get Online or Get Left Behind."
This is the time to develop online courses, ebooks and products.
The world has taken a sudden turn and it is requiring us to do more business online.
But a lot of the internet marketing training already out there uses fear tactics to sell products. That’s a soul-based way of marketing—and there is a better way.
Then the Lord said to me, "Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others." Habakkuk 2:2 NLT
Electronic downloadable products allow you to create it once and sell it again and again, generating autopilot income. I’ve created online workshops and training courses since 2008—and had major success.
My latest, How to Develop Products & Online Courses Masterclass, will give you everything you need to get started in developing your own online courses, ebooks and training products.
This masterclass is for you if …
- You want to get your products, services and messages online, but don’t know where to start.
- You have been doing some online selling, but need help developing it more.
- You have been selling and offering your stuff online, but need to go to the next level.
How to Develop Products & Online Courses Masterclass
will save you:
- ✓ Time—in researching all of this information on your own.
- ✓ Money—in investing in expensive training courses that don’t always pay off.
- ✓ Pain—of not knowing what to do next.
Only $97 $77
*This is an "on-demand" masterclass that will release on Thursday, July 9, 2020
Join me for:
How to Develop Products & Online Courses Masterclass
Get started in developing your own online courses, ebooks and training products.
Here’s what you can expect:
→ Session 1: How to Create An Online Course or Product
Module 1: The Right Time to Develop Internet Courses and Products
Module 2: Who is Your Target Audience
Module 3: Choosing Your Course Topic
Module 4: Five Steps to Writing Your Course
Module 5: Prepare Your Course for Delivery
Module 6: Follow Up and Improvement
→ Session 2: How to Teach and Deliver Your Course or Product
Module 1: Establishing Your Online Teaching Style
Module 2: Knowing Your Audience’s Needs
Module 3: Customizing Your Teaching Notes
Module 4: Recording Your Online Course Videos
Module 5: Teaching Live Online Courses Sessions
Module 6: Getting Engagement and Accountability
Module 7: Next Steps
→ Session 3: Internet Marketing for Your Course
Module 1: Understanding the New Normal
Module 2: What You Need to Succeed
Module 3: Marketing Your Course or Product
Module 4: Advanced Strategies

Bonus #1
Student Guide & Workbook
Doug's special guide includes:
- Teaching notes
- Worksheets & Exercises to help you develop your course
- Checklists for Recording Your Video
- Tips and Resources to get you started
Bonus #2
An Exclusive Invitation to 1 of Doug's
Private Monthly Mentoring Sessions

Bonus #3
Special Bonus Training!
"How to Discover and Develop Your Message."
No worries if you don't know what you will teach! This bonus will help you figure that out!
Who Is This Masterclass For?
If you have a ...
- Ministry
- Church
- Business
You are a ...
- Brick and Mortar Business Owner
- Online Business Owner
- Coach
- Blogger
- Entrepreneur
- Service Provider
- Info-product seller
Or you are ...
- Support staff for any of the above
And you ...
- Need extra help getting your products ready to launch
Then this is for you!
How to Develop Products & Online Courses Masterclass

You are in a divine time in which you can use the internet to get your message, training, products and services to the entire world without leaving your home.
How to Develop Products & Online Courses Masterclass will teach you how to do it!