What Is a God Encounter?
And What Difference Does One Make?
Hear what God showed me about a woman’s destiny based on her tattoo!
What if we all encountered God in ways that were custom-designed for our life and situation?
Many people want to encounter the real God, but most don’t know how.
God wants to encounter you too, and He invites you into a deeper understanding of His love and supernatural language.
When the Lord gets your attention in a powerful way, your life will never be the same. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Luke 24:30–31
Jesus wants to open your eyes and give you deeper understanding so you can recognize Him in any situation.
This is the time and season to learn how to do this with the people around us.
What Can a God Encounter Look Like?
A God encounter happens when the Holy Spirit speaks to us in some way that makes things so real that we’re ready to move toward what we hear and respond to it.
We can have a dream or vision.
A Bible verse suddenly stands out to us.
A song comes on the radio with a word you need to hear.
A TV show or movie scene can suddenly become a message from God.
Moving from Head to Heart
Encountering God isn’t just something that happens in our minds.
It needs to move from head knowledge (information) to a heart encounter (transformation).
But here’s the reality:
Most people, including each of us, have hidden wounds that work to conceal our hearts, preventing this kind of meaningful, personal encounter.
If we can first learn to encounter God regularly ourselves, then we can help other people find freedom beyond their walls.
How to Bring People into Their Own God Encounter
High Impact, not High Risk
For some of you, it may seem like a high risk to interpret people’s dreams or tattoos or to give them an encouraging word.
What if I gave you some simple, high-impact tools to get started?
After training thousands of people to have personal God encounters and doing dream interpretation for many years, I started noticing patterns.
For example, dreams of flying, being chased, teeth coming loose or having a baby each have a specific prophetic meaning.
By knowing their spiritual interpretations, you could reach out to 95% of people having these dreams with a God encounter!
In this God Encounters workshop, I’ll teach you how to understand and interpret:
- … Top 5 dreams—and their prophetic meanings
- … Top 5 tattoos—and how to open up a conversation
- … Top 5 piercings—and what their placement says about a person’s destiny
- … Top 5 encouraging words you can share based on people’s situations
- … Top 5 Bible verses that will rock your world
By knowing these spiritual interpretations, you could reach out to 95% of people with these dreams, tattoos or piercings and open things up for a God encounter!
Some of What We’ll Cover in this God Encounters Workshop
- How to have a God encounter for yourself and with people you meet
- How to understand and interpret the top 5 dreams and top 5 tattoos
- How to open up a conversation based on the top 5 piercings—based on what they reveal about the person’s destiny
- How to talk with people non-religiously
- Things you can do and say that open people up to God instead of shutting them down
- Going beyond doing outreach to “becoming an outreach” everywhere you go
- How to help bring people’s walls down and defuse their wounds—becoming a Holy Spirit bomb-defusing specialist
- Tools to become a MASH unit (Mobile Army Spiritual Hospital)
Get Unlimited Access to the Replay
What you get for your $37 investment:
For only $37, you get all of this:
- 2 hours of training and activation
- Lifetime access to the audio and video replays
- Reference sheets you can print out to help you learn
- Activation exercises you can practice with your friends
- Copy of Doug’s ebook No More Christianese (no longer in print)
Available for a Limited Time Only.

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Meet Doug
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.