You Can Trust Your Ability To Hear God!
Have you been confused by all of the conflicting prophetic messages being released?
Do you want to develop your ability to discern the various ways God speaks to us?
Watch my video message and get clear on why God wants you to feel confident
in your ability to “see” and “hear” in the spirit!
Join me in this interactive online workshop to develop and/or sharpen your ability to “see,” “hear” and “say” in the spirit!
Healing & Clarity Over The Prophetic
Recently, there has been a lot of confusion with prophetic words, and what seems like conflicting information coming from within the prophetic movement.
Many people are wondering if we can trust our ability to hear God and the prophetic voices speaking today.
There is a direct attack on the prophetic ministry that is trying to get people in fear, afraid to trust the voice of God and cause them to be hurt by inaccuracies.
What we need in times like these is sound biblical instruction on how to hear the voice of God and stay on track for what is coming!
For God may speak in one way, or in another,
Yet man does not perceive it.
Job 33:14 NKJV
Learning to properly discern or interpret what God is saying is a major key to being able to properly perceive or understand what He means.
Many people are not able to discern the voice of God and so they are responding in fear. We must get fear out of our lives and develop love, power and a sound mind!
For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
When you develop and/or sharpen your prophetic vision, you learn to discern the voice of the Lord so you know what is and what is not from God!
You don’t have to be a prophet to hear the Lord!
All spiritual gifts are available to all of us through the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus and the disciples operated in all the gifts, you can as well.
God’s ways no longer have to be a mystery. He has revealed to us the secrets to unlocking the messages He is speaking to us, and we all have the ability to hear God speak and prophesy (or speak out) what He is showing us.
The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and
generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.
Colossians 1:26 NIV
How to Activate Seeing and Hearing in the Spirit will help prepare you for hearing God during the Passover to Pentecost season—when the Lord often speaks clearly!
Are You Ready To Press In To
“See” And “Hear” In The Spirit?
But blessed are your eyes because they see,
and your ears because they hear.
Matthew 13:16 NIV
God speaks in so many different ways.
To get trained in all the ways of the prophetic could be very time-consuming.
Save time, money and pain!
I want to save you time and money by combining several aspects of hearing God into a strategic, 2-hour online training.
I will also save you the pain of making mistakes trying to hear the Lord on your own. So many people miss the mark when it comes to understanding God’s messages and the timing associated with them! When this happens, a crisis can often follow!
With what I will share in this online workshop, I can help you avoid those painful and costly mistakes of misinterpreting and not understanding what God is saying to you.
Why Am I Qualified?
As a seasoned prophetic minister who operates in the seer gifting and as an accurate and time tested prophetic voice, I want to pull back the curtain and show you how God is speaking in the midst of the confusion to use you to help others through difficult times.
For the past 20+ years, I have trained hundreds of thousands of people in how to hear God, see in the spirit, interpret dreams and visions and discover their destiny!
In this new workshop, I open up the areas of hearing God that often are not taught.
Seeing and hearing God is a lifelong process of learning, but there are ways to accelerate this process.
My Unique Accelerated Process
My unique accelerated learning process utilizes the principles from
Isaiah 46:10
I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times,
what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand,
and I will do all that I please.’
This means that I will show you right up front, “the end result” of how I have learned to “hear” and “see” in the spirit.
I combine this with practical activation exercises that go beyond most training workshops and I show you how to do it—and pray prophetic prayers of impartation over you to pull your gifts forward.
Do you need hope?
God is speaking in the midst of the storms and all the trouble in the world.
There are good things coming for you.
Things are not as bleak as they seem!
In my latest online workshop—How to Activate Seeing and Hearing in the Spirit—I’ll help you accelerate the process of activating what God is speaking to you so you can avoid the pain and fear of missing out.
This ministry school level training is only $37!
Who Is This Training For?
This online training is for you if:
- ✓ You’re worried or confused about your future—and the world’s—and need tools to help you discern what God is actually saying.
- ✓ The Lord’s given you a vision for your life, but you need more clarity to help you activate it.
- ✓ You just want to grow in the various aspects of the prophetic ministry such as the Seer gift, the ability to hear through the Holy Spirit and properly discern what God is saying.
- ✓ God is calling us to forget what is behind, the mistakes or misunderstandings and fix our eyes on what is ahead.
- ✓ God wants you to learn from mistakes and step into the new season of fulfilling the reason you came to Earth.
What can happen when you apply the strategies in this training?
This Workshop Can Help You:
- Improve your ability to recognize what God is speaking to you.
- Give you the confidence to act on what you “see” and “hear” in the spirit.
- Have greater peace knowing that the world is not out of control or going to end.
- Gain more confidence as you develop your ability to discern God’s voice.
- Bring healing to disappointments you might have had with hearing God or with the prophetic movement.
- Add new tools to your spiritual tool belt so you can activate what God is saying.

Here's What We Will Cover:
- Fresh, new prophetic words on what God is saying right now
- The different types of prophetic gifts and how you can operate in them all
- Developing “eyes that see” and “ears that hear” in the spirit
- How Jesus and His disciples operated in the prophetic gifts
- How you can increase your spiritual senses and sharpen your ability to “see” and “hear”
- Revelation on seeing and interacting with angels in your daily life
- Deeper understanding of the “seer revelation”
- Developing the “hearing ear” anointing
- Removing obstacles and common pitfalls
- Unlocking the strategy to open the heavens so you can overcome the attacks in your life
- Seer encounters and how you can experience these yourself
- Seeing in your dreams
- Advanced seeing and hearing activations
- Bible verses to decree that open the seeing and hearing realm
- Activation prayer with Doug
General Workshop
- 90+ minute online training session with Doug Addison
- Lifetime access to the video and audio replay
- Downloadable copy of Doug’s teaching notes
- Bonus: PDF-Bible Decrees for Opening “Seeing and Hearing” in the Spirit
Only $37
(Just the Workshop!)
Upgrade Trainer Kit
- Everything in the General Workshop Package
- Rights to teach this material in your own church group, small group, seminar, online training, etc.
(*in accordance with our content trainer guidelines) - PowerPoint slides - Full editable version
- Keynote slides – Full editable version
Only $97
(Workshop + Trainer Kit)
What Others Are Saying About Doug's Training

About Doug Addison
Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.